Traveling can provide you with a lot of time to sit and think about things.  These are some questions that have prompted me to delve deep into thought.  I suppose I’ll add to them as more occur to me.

  • If you are so proud of your country (and I truly hope you feel that way), have you ever asked yourself why? And, no, just because you’re a citizen should not justify that feeling (although, hopefully, it’s a contributing factor).


  • Do you think that you can find meaning in your life without “looking around”: traveling, exploring, etc.?  Isn’t a core component to any experiment comparing and contrasting variables?


  • Kids explore naturally, when does this stop? Children are naturally curious, opening boxes, looking behind curtains, learning the hard way why you don’t pull a cats tail.  When does this curiosity stop?


  • Isn’t it interesting to see new places, experience new cultures, eat new foods?  If your answer to these is “no”, then one could argue that you are lucky.  You’ve found happiness in your little corner, with your limited choices.  Good for you.  Me?  I want to experience new adventures, expand my mind, view things from another angle, find answers to questions I haven’t even thought to ask yet.


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