Reasonable price for a stop-over

This hotel is not on the beach. It’s not fancy. It’s not in the nicest part of town, but then again there are a lot of “not the nicest parts of town” in Guam. There is no breakfast (nor any place where you can buy it within walking distance). If you’re looking for these things, then look elsewhere (and probably pay more money). It’s a little run down but reasonably clean, not very near anything of importance, and the restaurant in the same building closed down several months ago (as of May 2016).
I was on a stop over from 10:30pm to 6pm the following day. I rented a car, stayed at the Days Inn (for under $50), and toured the island the next day. For my purpose, this place was ideal.
There’s a gas station a couple hundred yards from the hotel where you can purchase snacks.

See my TripAdvisor review


Why Go?Why go?

  • If you want a reasonably clean room for a quick night, you probably can’t beat the price.


What you need to know:

  • I paid under $50/night through
  • Don’t expect a lot and you won’t be disappointed.



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